DBWP is recruiting a NOWCorps Outreach Specialist

Northern Ohio Watershed Corps (NOWCorps) is a state and national AmeriCorps program funded by AmeriCorps and ServeOhio, Ohio’s state commission on service and volunteerism.

Doan Brook Watershed Partnership is a Host Site for a NowCorps Outreach Specialist. Member position begins April 16, 2024 and ends September 30, 2024. This position is a Half-time member position and requires a minimum of 900 hours of service over the service period. The member will receive a stipend of no more than $10,000, and the stipend will be paid biweekly.

Key Projects:

  • Assist staff in implementing a variety of hikes, bicycle tours, fishing activities, boating activities.
  • Manage outreach program registration prior to and during events
  • Assist with coordination, preparation, and planning of the installation of green infrastructure
    including rain gardens, bioswales, tree plantings and other activities
  • Track metrics and present results
  • Develop storm water and sustainability educational materials for landowners.
  • Assist with outreach events in the Doan Brook watershed and across Northeast Ohio
  • Including but not limited to: Arbor Day Events, Earth Day Events, County Fairs, NEORSD
  • Open House, and other member requests.
  • Assist staff with stream cleanup events along the Doan Brook and Lake Erie.
  • Develop improved volunteer management system

For a full description, please [click here]

Contact for interested Members: Claire Ilersich, NOWCorps Member Coordinator at claire@tinkerscreek.org or 330-963-6863 x5104. Applications preferred by March 25, 2024, but position is open until filled.