Watershed Field Guide: Birds

The list below is a compilation of commonly seen birds within the Doan Brook watershed, from data resources 1997-2012. For a complete survey of birds found in the watershed between 1966 – 2000, see the Doan Brook Handbook, Appendix G.

Siting Location Key:
sl  = Shaker Lakes area     lf  = Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve (former Dike 14)



Blackbird, red-winged Agelaisu phoeniceus sl  lf
Bufflehead Bucephala albeoia sl  lf
Cardinal, northern Cardinalis cardinalis sl  lf
Catbird, gray Dumetella carolinensis sl  lf
Chickadee, black-capped Parus atricapilus sl  lf
Coot, American Fulica americana sl  lf
Cowbird, brown-headed Moluthrus ater sl  lf
Creeper, brown Certia americana sl  lf
Crow, American Corvus brachyrhynchos sl  lf
Dove, mourning Zenaida macroura sl  lf
Dove, rock Columba livia sl  lf
Duck, wood Aix sponsa sl  lf
Finch, house Carpodacus mexicanus sl  lf
Flicker, northern Colaptes auratus sl  lf
Flycatcher, great crested Myiarchus crinitus sl  lf
Goldfinch, American Carduelis tristis sl  lf
Goose, Canada Branta canadensis sl  lf
Grackle, common Quiscalus quiscula sl  lf
Grebe, pied-billed Podilymbus podiceps sl  lf
Grosbeak, rose-breasted Pheucticus ludovicianus sl  lf
Gull, herring Larus argentatus sl  lf
Gull, ring-billed Larus delawarensis sl  lf
Hawk, red-tailed Buteo jamaicensis sl  lf
Heron, black-crowned night Nyticorax nyticorax sl  lf
Heron, Great Blue Ardea herodias sl  lf
Heron, green Butorides virescens sl  lf
Hummingbird, ruby throated Archilochus colubris sl  lf
Jay, blue Cyanocitta cristata sl  lf
Junco, dark-eyed Junco hyemalis sl  lf
Kestrel, American Falco sparverius sl  lf
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus sl  lf
Kingfisher, belted Megaceryl alcyon sl  lf
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos sl  lf
Martin, purple Progne subis sl  lf
Nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor sl  lf
Nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis sl  lf
Oriole, Baltimore Icterus galbula sl  lf
Pewee, eastern wood Contopus virens sl  lf
Phoebe, eastern Sayomis phoebe sl  lf
Redstart, American Setophaga ruticilla sl  lf
Robin, American Turdus migratorius sl  lf
Sandpiper, solitary Tringa solitaria sl  lf
Sandpiper, spotted Tactitis macularia sl  lf
Sparrow, American tree Spizella arborea sl  lf
Sparrow, chipping Spizella passerina sl  lf
Sparrow, field Spizella pusilla sl  lf
Sparrow, house Passer domesticus sl  lf
Sparrow, song Melospiza melodia sl  lf
Starling, European Sturnus vulgaris sl  lf
Swallow, bank Riparia riparia sl  lf
Swallow, cliff Petrochilidon pyrrhonota sl  lf
Swallow, northern rough-winged Stelgidopteryz serripennis sl  lf
Swallow, tree Tachycineta bicolor sl  lf
Swift, chimney Chaetura pelagica sl  lf
Tanager, scarlet Piranga olivacea sl  lf
Titmouse, tufted Parus bicolor sl  lf
Towhee, eastern  Pipilo erythrophthalmus sl  lf
Vireo, red-eyed Vireo olivaceus sl  lf
Warbler, black and white Mniotilta varia sl  lf
Warbler, black-throated green Dendroica virens sl  lf
Warbler, yellow-rumped Dendroica coronata sl  lf
Warbler, yellow Dendroica petechia sl  lf
Waxwing, cedar Bombycilla cedrorum sl  lf
Woodpecker, downy Picoides pubescens sl  lf
Woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus sl  lf
Woodpecker, red-bellied Melanerpes carolinus sl  lf
