Watershed Field Guide: Reptiles & Amphibians

The data on reptiles and amphibians found, or expected to be present in the Doan Brook watershed, is compiled from sources reported in 1968-1994.

Your input on wildlife sitings and photographs are welcome. To contribute to the Doan Brook database, please contact us.



Frogs and Toads
American toad Bufo americanus  small numbers
Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana  release; reproduction doubtful
Green frog Rana clamitans  release; reproduction
Leopard frog Rana pipiens  possible
Spring peeper Hyla crucifer
Dusky salamander Desmognathus fuscus  should be present
Redback salamander Plethodon cinereus  rare
Slimy salamander Plethodon glutinosis
Spotted newt Diemictylus viridescens should be present
Two-lined salamander Eurycea bislineata rare
Black rat snake Elaphae obsoleta release
Brown or DeKay’s snake Storeria dekayi probably present in small numbers
Common watersnake Nerodia sipedon should be present
Eastern gartersnake Thamnophis sirtalis
Milksnake, eastern Lampropeltis doliata
Red-bellied snake Storeria occipitomaculata 
Blanding’s turtle Emydoidea blandingi present
Box turtle Terrapene carolina release
Map turtle Graptemys geographica probable
Midland painted turtle Chrysemys picta marginata present
Red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans release
Snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina present
Spotted turtle Clemmys guttata release
Stinkpot, musk turtle Sternotharus odoratus present
Wood turtle Glyptemys insculpta release