Grow More, Mow Less! With Kate Small
May 4, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Horticulturalist Kate Small will talk about a nuanced approach to “No Mow May”, and what we can do in our yards and public spaces to increase habitat and reduce lawn. In America over 40 million acres of land are covered by turf grass, resulting in a lack of biodiversity; increased air pollution; and fertilizer runoff into our watersheds. Reducing lawns in our parks and yards is an important step towards a healthy ecosystem. Kate will talk about replacing lawn with native shrubs, sedges, grasses, ferns, and perennials preferred by native insects and birds to increase biodiversity and decrease lawns.
Hosted by Friends of Heights Parks in partnership with NCSL and DBWP.
This event is free. [button link=”” type=”big” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”] REGISTER HERE[/button]
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Cuyahoga Arts & Culture and all our partners, donors and volunteers for their invaluable support for making this event possible.