Watershed Field Guide: Birds
The list below is a compilation of commonly seen birds within the Doan Brook watershed, from data resources 1997-2012. For a complete survey of birds found in the watershed between 1966 – 2000, see the Doan Brook Handbook, Appendix G.
Siting Location Key:
sl = Shaker Lakes area lf = Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve (former Dike 14)
Blackbird, red-winged | Agelaisu phoeniceus | sl lf |
Bufflehead | Bucephala albeoia | sl lf |
Cardinal, northern | Cardinalis cardinalis | sl lf |
Catbird, gray | Dumetella carolinensis | sl lf |
Chickadee, black-capped | Parus atricapilus | sl lf |
Coot, American | Fulica americana | sl lf |
Cowbird, brown-headed | Moluthrus ater | sl lf |
Creeper, brown | Certia americana | sl lf |
Crow, American | Corvus brachyrhynchos | sl lf |
Dove, mourning | Zenaida macroura | sl lf |
Dove, rock | Columba livia | sl lf |
Duck, wood | Aix sponsa | sl lf |
Finch, house | Carpodacus mexicanus | sl lf |
Flicker, northern | Colaptes auratus | sl lf |
Flycatcher, great crested | Myiarchus crinitus | sl lf |
Goldfinch, American | Carduelis tristis | sl lf |
Goose, Canada | Branta canadensis | sl lf |
Grackle, common | Quiscalus quiscula | sl lf |
Grebe, pied-billed | Podilymbus podiceps | sl lf |
Grosbeak, rose-breasted | Pheucticus ludovicianus | sl lf |
Gull, herring | Larus argentatus | sl lf |
Gull, ring-billed | Larus delawarensis | sl lf |
Hawk, red-tailed | Buteo jamaicensis | sl lf |
Heron, black-crowned night | Nyticorax nyticorax | sl lf |
Heron, Great Blue | Ardea herodias | sl lf |
Heron, green | Butorides virescens | sl lf |
Hummingbird, ruby throated | Archilochus colubris | sl lf |
Jay, blue | Cyanocitta cristata | sl lf |
Junco, dark-eyed | Junco hyemalis | sl lf |
Kestrel, American | Falco sparverius | sl lf |
Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus | sl lf |
Kingfisher, belted | Megaceryl alcyon | sl lf |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | sl lf |
Martin, purple | Progne subis | sl lf |
Nighthawk, common | Chordeiles minor | sl lf |
Nuthatch, white-breasted | Sitta carolinensis | sl lf |
Oriole, Baltimore | Icterus galbula | sl lf |
Pewee, eastern wood | Contopus virens | sl lf |
Phoebe, eastern | Sayomis phoebe | sl lf |
Redstart, American | Setophaga ruticilla | sl lf |
Robin, American | Turdus migratorius | sl lf |
Sandpiper, solitary | Tringa solitaria | sl lf |
Sandpiper, spotted | Tactitis macularia | sl lf |
Sparrow, American tree | Spizella arborea | sl lf |
Sparrow, chipping | Spizella passerina | sl lf |
Sparrow, field | Spizella pusilla | sl lf |
Sparrow, house | Passer domesticus | sl lf |
Sparrow, song | Melospiza melodia | sl lf |
Starling, European | Sturnus vulgaris | sl lf |
Swallow, bank | Riparia riparia | sl lf |
Swallow, cliff | Petrochilidon pyrrhonota | sl lf |
Swallow, northern rough-winged | Stelgidopteryz serripennis | sl lf |
Swallow, tree | Tachycineta bicolor | sl lf |
Swift, chimney | Chaetura pelagica | sl lf |
Tanager, scarlet | Piranga olivacea | sl lf |
Titmouse, tufted | Parus bicolor | sl lf |
Towhee, eastern | Pipilo erythrophthalmus | sl lf |
Vireo, red-eyed | Vireo olivaceus | sl lf |
Warbler, black and white | Mniotilta varia | sl lf |
Warbler, black-throated green | Dendroica virens | sl lf |
Warbler, yellow-rumped | Dendroica coronata | sl lf |
Warbler, yellow | Dendroica petechia | sl lf |
Waxwing, cedar | Bombycilla cedrorum | sl lf |
Woodpecker, downy | Picoides pubescens | sl lf |
Woodpecker, hairy | Picoides villosus | sl lf |
Woodpecker, red-bellied | Melanerpes carolinus | sl lf |