Stream Bank Stabilization with Live Stakes
What is live staking?
Live staking is a method of restoring vegetation on stream banks or shorelines. Cuttings from dormant woody plants are directly planted into the ground, allowing them to root and grow into trees or shrubs. We use live staking to stabilize eroding stream banks that have lost vegetation from heavy rains, rapid snowmelts, and other environmental disturbances. As live stakes grow, they establish a root network in the stream bank, helping to hold soil in place, absorb rainwater, and filter pollutants. This prevents further erosion and soil loss while also providing biodiversity and habitats for wildlife.
Our program goals
We received funding for $10,000 a year for five years to be used for operating and implementing a live stakes program. The Doan Brook includes approximately 10 miles of lineal stream across all branches. Each year for the next five years, we will assess 2 miles of stream bank to determine whether or not it is an appropriate place for live staking. We will designate some areas as “ready for live stakes”, some areas as “needs some attention” for areas that need some invasive removal or other action to take place before live staking is appropriate, and some sites as “live staking not possible” for areas that are not appropriate for live staking due to accessibility or other reasons. Additionally, we will host live stakes workshops at Family Fishing Day and Take to the Lake Day and host live stakes giveaways and demonstrations throughout the year.
Many species can be used for live staking, but it’s important to make sure we use native plants! Below are some species native to Northeast Ohio that can be used for live staking:

Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)

Red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea)

Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin)

Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)

Pussy willow (Salix discolor)
Know before you grow!
Always correctly identify a species before planting! Use resources like iNaturalist to help you identify plants:
How to install a live stake
1. Use mallet and rebar or other metal stake to make a hole in the ground at least 1 ft deep or to a depth that will allow 2-3 nodes of the stake to be underground. Alternatively, ensure that 2/3 of the stake will be underground.
2. Remove metal stake.
3. Gently plant live stake. Space live stakes 2-3 feet apart.
4. Record number of stakes and species planted at each location on data sheet.
5. Photograph data sheets and email to with subject “Live Stake DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)”
6. DBWP Staff will add live stake data to the map.
Pro tips: Use rooting hormone on the ends of your live stakes to stimulate root growth before planting! The best time to plant live stakes is during the dormant season, in early spring or late fall.
Upcoming live stakes events
DBWP Timeline
- Establishing program goals and training materials
- In early spring and fall, install live stakes as possible across approximately one mile with volunteers.
- Offer two live stake workshops at community events (Family Fishing Day and Take to the Lake)
- Assess 2 miles per year for appropriate live stake sites and install appropriate native species during optimal seasons. We will host these installations as a workshop in which we will invite volunteers and offer a brief training and explanation of the purpose. We welcome your participation in any way you would like to participate.
- Offer two live stake workshops at community events (Family Fishing Day and Take to the Lake)