Help us build Resilienc-TREE in the Doan Brook Watershed
DBWP will give away 200 native trees (3-5 gallon) to Cleveland residents who complete “Tree School 101” training at one of our 2025 Watershed Festivals.
Funding was provided by the Cleveland Tree Coalition (CTC) Cleveland and the goal of the Tree Giveaway Grant is to provide trees to residents at no cost to increase planting on private property, build sentiment around trees, and build community trust.
Are you eligible?
- Trees must be planted on private property within the City of Cleveland.
- Trees may not be planted in containers or in the tree lawn/public right-of-way.
- Individuals can sign up for two trees per address.
If your application is accepted, you will be invited to pick up your tree at one of our Watershed Festivals. Trees are in 3-5 gallon containers and will be small enough to fit in cars or be carried on public transportation.

Watershed Events/Pick up Information
- Saturday, April 19, 2025, 11am – 1pm: Stream Clean Up, 7 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Cleveland, OH 44106
- Saturday, June 28, 2025, 11am – 1pm: Family Fishing Day, 7 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Cleveland, OH 44106
- Saturday, August 23, 2025, 11am – 1pm: Take to the Lake, Lower Shaker Lake, 1 Brook Rd. Shaker Heights, OH 44120
- We will offer trees on a first come, first serve basis. Later giveaway dates may be cancelled if all trees are distributed prior to that date.
2025 Species List
- Small trees: Serviceberry, PawPaw, Redbud, Hornbeam
- Medium trees: Black Gum, Tree Lilac, Red Maple
- Large trees: Swamp White Oak, River Birch, Hybrid Elm