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Spring is right around the corner and there a lot of opportunities for you to volunteer with us! Sign up for these opportunities and make a difference in our watershed.

Stream Sweeps

Cleanup Challenge

If you’re not able to make the scheduled stream sweeps, we encourage you to get outside, pick up litter and share your contributions with us. Learn more here.

Southerly Park Tree Watering

DBWP is collaborating with Heights Tree People to plant trees in Southerly Park. Volunteers, who are willing to adopt a tree or two, are needed to water on a weekly basis (rainfall dependent) from June 1st through September 4th. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at 216-325-7781 or info@doanbrookpartnership.org

Holden Forest and Gardens People for Trees

Holden Forest and Gardens launched their People for Trees campaign to enlist volunteers to plant 15,000 trees across Northeast Ohio by 2025. You can pledge to plant a tree and Holden will provide information on the best species for the region, where to buy it, when and how to plant and how to care for your tree once its planted. Pledge today!

City Nature Challenge

Join the annual competition to document the most biodiversity in a weekend from April 30th through May 3rd. The number of observations, identified species and people participating are shared and compared. Last year Cleveland-Akron-Canton placed 39th and 6,227 species were observed. Join the team today!
