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How can we best feed birds in our yards? The accepted wisdom of many feeders brimming with commercially-grown seeds is increasingly seen as one of the lowest priorities for helping both nesting and migrating birds. Are we supporting birds that are relentless predators on open-cup nesting species? The answer lies in designing and planting a wide array of native trees, shrubs, and perennials to host the widest possible array of native insects, while avoiding the temptation to plant non-native and potentially invasive plants sometimes sold as “bird-friendly”. Recent research suggests the highest probability of success for nesting Black-capped Chickadees results from yards planted with more than 70% native plants. We’ll talk about turning yards of any size into truly bird-friendly habitats.
John has been a citizen scientist for over fifty years, active in green space preservation, the recovery of Peregrine Falcon populations, and the continuing recovery of Eastern Bluebirds. Now retired after 35 years in the business world, he is focused on restoring and maintaining biodiversity. He passionately performs habitat restoration and ecological gardening with native plants. A native of Shaker Heights, he served on the board of the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes for ten years, including two terms as Board President. He now serves on the board of the Native Plant Trust. John is a Certified Watershed Steward with the Cleveland Metroparks. He is co-leading the Friends of Lower Lake, a volunteer program of the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership, working to restore habitat around Lower Lake Park in the Shaker Parklands.
To RSVP for this program please register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the Zoom meeting.

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