Doan Brook Upper Lake Hike
July 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Explore the Doan Brook Upper Lake on our upcoming hike! Led by Dr. Roy Larick of Bluestone Heights, Doan Brook Watershed Partnership and Shaker Historical Society, this immersive experience offers an opportunity to explore the biodiversity, geological features, and history of the area. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just looking to reconnect with nature, come join us on the trails of Upper Lake.
The hike will last approximately 2 hours. Closed-toed shoes, tall socks, and long pants are encouraged, as this hike will go through the woods. We will meet at the Upper Lake dam historical marker near Shaker Historical Society, 16801 South Park Blvd, Shaker Heights. Registration is required and will be limited to 30 people. Fee is $5.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, Bluestone Heights, Shaker Historic Society, and all our generous partners, donors and volunteers for their invaluable support in making events like this one possible.
Advance registration is requested. For questions, please contact us at: