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DBWP and our partners have commenced with restoration of the Doan’s streambanks, floodplain and in-stream habitats (riffles, runs and pools) at Sowinski Park in the center of Rockefeller Park. With funding from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, design, planning and outreach has involved wonderful community-based organizations including Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Famicos Foundation, University Circle Inc., Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation, St Clair Superior Development, the City of Cleveland Water Pollution Control, Cleveland Parks Department and the City of Cleveland Capital Projects.
Restoration began with necessary tree removal in March of 2022 and, in the last week of October, crews have begun to realign the brook and floodplain. An exciting leverage of this investment is the active fundraising that partner groups are doing to bring new trails, entrances, trees and amenities back to the heart of Rockefeller Park. DBWP and our collaborators are available to answer questions about the project or present to groups or neighborhood block clubs. Not only do we want to share the goals of this restoration, but we are interested in ideas from the public. Great ideas will help shape the future of the park!
Please find an information sheet here.
