May DIY Rain Barrel Workshop

Nature Center at Shaker Lakes 2600 S Park Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio, United States

REGISTER HERE Conserve water use and save money! Benefit local watersheds! Benefit plants and gardens! A rain barrel is a container used to collect and storm rainwater that falls on roofs, traveling through downspouts and eventually down storm drains, often contributing to combined sewer overflows into Doan Brook and Lake Erie. This DIY rain barrel […]


June DIY Rain Barrel Workshop

Nature Center at Shaker Lakes 2600 S Park Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio, United States

REGISTER HERE Conserve water use and save money! Benefit local watersheds! Benefit plants and gardens! A rain barrel is a container used to collect and storm rainwater that falls on roofs, traveling through downspouts and eventually down storm drains, often contributing to combined sewer overflows into Doan Brook and Lake Erie. This DIY rain barrel […]
